Thursday, October 13, 2011


  1. What you have learnt in Semester 2.

I have discovered the methods and planning needed to design a building for an area. I learnt the different ways shades and textures affect the mood of the building.

  1. Difficulties encountered

I encountered difficulties finding space to built my building. Sketch-up has also been crashing several times on me during the designing of mine building.

  1. How did you overcome them?

With personal experience of the east of Singapore, i was able to find an area to be based on for my design. Using Sketch-up patiently and slowly, the design was slowly finished.

  1. How do you think you can do better?

By spending more time planning out the interior design of the building, i think i could do better for the Sketch-up design.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tanah Merah Entertainment Center

The building i am designing is an entertainment center where people can go to in order to relax and unwind. It has a cinema as one of its main focus. The building is designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Its main concept it to be kept green and safe for the environment. The building has green lungs walls which are walls with plants to clean and recycle the air. There is also a solar tower to help provide energy to the building. For people to enjoy the fresh air there is a roof top garden that people can visit.
The building is designed to attract people who are traveling to or from either changi or expo and allow them to relax. There is also a lounge where students near the area can travel to relax and do projects or have their meetings.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What makes a good Architectural Design

A good Architectural Design is something that has simplicity and is sustainable. Sustainable design is the art of designing physical objects and the built environment to comply with economic, social and ecological sustainability. It is also referred to as “green design”, “eco-design”, “high-performance design”, or “environmentally responsible design”. Something that serves its purpose greatly and gives advantages to the user.

These four criteria, "Aesthetic Design", "Functional Design", "Craftsmanship" and "Designer" are meant to measure the intrinsic value of the physical structure both in design and in execution. The present condition (integrity) of the building should be taken into consideration in the application of these criteria, in the knowledge that inappropriate modifications and deteriorated fabric could weaken the architectural value of the building. These judgements will have to be made by the FHBRO.

Aesthetic Design

"What is the visual quality of the building (proportion, scale, detail) in the context of an architectural style or type?"

This criterion measures the architectural merit of the building, taking into account historical styles and/or building types. A building may deserve high marks if its design is successful and visually attractive, whatever its style or type. Evaluators, because they are rating buildings from a historical perspective as well as design, should attempt to discount their own personal stylistic

preferences. The integrity of the building may affect the rating of "Aesthetic Design", since a structure that has

suffered severe alterations may be weaker in visual qualities.

Functional Design

"What is the functional quality of the building (effectiveness of materials, layout and method of construction) in the context of engineering history and functional types?"

This criterion evaluates the functional merit of the building, apart from aesthetic considerations. It is intended to provide a means of giving value to our engineering and industrial heritage, where "high-style" solutions are not relevant. It measures how effectively a particular building programme has been carried out, taking into account available technology and previous solutions to particular functional problems.

Craftsmanship and Materials

"What is the quality of the workmanship and the handling of materials?"

This criterion evaluates the actual execution of the design, with a focus on quality. It takes into consideration both the choice and handling of materials. Knowledge of the historical context may shed light on the quality of craftsmanship and materials. The current physical condition of the building may reveal the strengths and weaknesses of workmanship and materials over time. Good quality should be evident in spite of reversible changes. It is left to the FHBRO to judge whether to apply this criterion to the whole or just part of specific buildings.


"What is the significance of this building as an illustration of the work of an important designer?"

This criterion evaluates the importance of this building as an illustration

of the work of an important designer?

This criterion evaluates the importance of the building in the designer's career. "Designer" may include architects, builders or engineers, both private and public, both individually or as professional firms. The FHBRO will have to assess whether or not a designer is important (either in Canada or elsewhere) before evaluating the importance of the specific building in the designer's career. While buildings which have been demolished will contribute to the global understanding of a designer's career, evaluators should focus on surviving examples.

Some examples would be....

1.A house built to be eco friendly.
2.A house that saves space and is also eco friendly.
3.A house that also serves as a home theater.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is Architectural Design?

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings known as Architectural Design. A wider definition would include within its scope the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of town planning, urban design, and landscape to the micro level of furniture and product design.

Architecture is that set of design artifacts, or descriptive representations, that are relevant for describing an object, such that it can be produced to requirements as well as maintained over the period of its useful life.

Architectural design is a multi-disciplinary field, including mathematics, science, art, technology, social sciences, politics, history, philosophy, and so on. Rationalism, empiricism, structuralism, post-structuralism, and phenomenology are philosophical directions that influence architecture.

It is a concept that focuses on the components or elements of a structure or system and unifies them into a coherent and functional whole, according to a particular approach in achieving the objective under the given constraints or limitations.
